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(Archive) What if Lab: wellbeing in the city

Break the bubble and design the meeting place of the future

This project was part of DDW 2021

Changing the world around us has never been so urgent. Right now we want to feel a connection. Not online, but outside, with each other. A real connection between people, generations and bubbles. We can use all the insights we can get. That is the reason we organized the Sweco Design Challenge.

Searching for a real connection

The consequences of the pandemic are significant and visible. Our spatial relationships have become more complex. This has increased the desire to connect. But what is possible? What is allowed? What can be done? So that we not only meet each other online, surrounded by distance, but that we actually reconnect. This is a call to action for new concrete ideas that we can realize outside with our clients.

New perspectives

As Europe's largest engineering consultancy firm, we are looking for new angles of approach. This is a call to action for people who think outside the box, have well-defined ideas and push the boundaries of technical possibilities. The challenge offers three designers the opportunity to develop their vision and solutions for the meeting place of the future. Sweco will help to sharpen these insights, provide technical advice and offer practical examples. Now is the time for us to stand together.