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Art Tech Fun Robots eGirls Manifestations

(Archive) Bioluminescent Algae Jacket

Life Centered Design, a balanced human non-human relation.

This project was part of DDW 2021
Jeroen Cox

Shift from a human-centered world, to a life centered one. The aim of Life Centered Design is a balanced human-non-human relation. Bioluminescent Algae Jacket, provides for a situation where human and the bioluminescent algae can have a balanced relationship.

Life Centered Design

The aim of Life Centered Design is a balanced human-non-human relation. The human designer and user are equal to all living organisms involved in the design process and design outcome. The non-human can be any living organism: an animal, a plant, or a micro-organism.

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Jeroen Cox

Jeroen Cox

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Art Tech Fun Robots eGirls Manifestations

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