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2 Masters of Space x 2 Masters of Product

(Archive) Universal Non-Authoritarian Declaration of Human and More-Than-Human Rights

This project was part of DDW 2021
UN-ADH&M-THR — © Elisa Piazzi

The UN-ADH&M-T-HR based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, wants to eradicate the concept of otherness and recognize the inherent dignity and equality of all beings. Facilitating discussions between Everyone and Everything, I am currently repeatedly re-translating these Rights.

Universal Non-Authoritarian Declaration of Human and More-Than-Human Rights

The main intent of the Universal Non-Authoritarian Declaration of Human and More-Than-Human Rights (UN-ADH&M-T-HR) is to articulate fundamental rights and freedoms for all. Based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) the goal of the UN-ADH&M-T-HR is to underline and recall the importance of these rights by re-inscribing and giving them new relevance.

Why re-inscribing

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), written almost 73 years ago, failed to address the definition on “human”. The boundary between what is “human” and what is not became a tool to legitimize violence against other non-humans, as well as some non-normative humans. Motivated by the experience of daily injustice and inequality the UN-ADH&M-T-HR wants to eradicate the concept of “otherness”. UN-ADH&M-T-HR wants to recognize the inherent dignity and equality of all living beings - humans, unborn humans, more-than-humans, nature - as the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.

Why Non-Authoritarian

The UN-ADH&M-T-HR is not a treaty neither does it want to be law. It does not directly create any legal obligations for communities and beings. It is Non-Authoritarian because it is open to suggestions, improvements and discussion.
It can not be imposed on anyone, it is simply a suggestion for the fundamental values, that should be shared by all living beings.

The idea of being able to establish Universal Rights, without promoting some cultures above others and/or imposing western systems of believes, needs to be questioned. As a white female in a privileged position I believe that my opinion is not enough. Here my need to speak and discuss with others, inviting them to be readers/ friends/ writers/ and/or critics/ of the UN-ADH&M-T-HR. Listening to all voices, facilitating discussions and a constant translation of this text.

UN-ADH&M-THR Text — © Elisa Piazzi

UN-ADH&M-THR Reading — © Elisa Piazzi

Andere deelnemers

2 Masters of Space x 2 Masters of Product

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Andere deelnemers

2 Masters of Space x 2 Masters of Product