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ArtEZ IN_architecture alumni 2021

(Archive) Naast dier en natuur

Wonen met minimale grens tussen mens, dier en natuur

This project was part of DDW 2021

Being outside among the animals feels most like home to me from an early age. In our current property I experience a physical and mental distance between me, the animals and nature. I was looking for how I could have a natural physical and mental connection with animals and nature every day.

An investigating about how minimal the boundary can be between humans, farm animals and nature.

As a designer I research how the gap between humans, animals and nature can be reduced. My experimental research showed that the physical boundary between us should be minimized. By living together with animals it is possible to experience a constant and natural physical and mental connection with animals and nature.

In the design, the residential functions are minimally separated from each other and the outside world, so that you always interact with the animals and the house. The home becomes a means to restore and maintain the balance in our relationship with animals and nature, in which we live side by side as equals.

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ArtEZ IN_architecture alumni 2021

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ArtEZ IN_architecture alumni 2021