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The Embassy of Water

(Archive) Ontwerpen aan klimaat

'Designing Climate' with DesignLab for the Climate Resilient City

This project was part of DDW 2021
Casus 1: Brainport Industrie Campus — © Patrick Limpens

DesignLab for the Climate Resilient City is a partnership between the city of Eindhoven, Eindhoven Technical University and the De Dommel water authority, focusing on climate-proof design of the living environment.

DesignLab for the Climate Resilient City

The waterboard the Dommel, the municipality of Eindhoven and the Urban/Lab of the TU/e have the ambition to work together on the development of a climate resilient urban soil- and watersystem in coherence with the development of a high-quality living climate. This collaboration has taken place over the past three years in the form of the 'Design Lab for the Climate-robust City'.
By means of research through design, has been explored the aim to develop climate adaptation as a starting point for the development of planning and what is possible for the quality of life in the city. In addition, it is to get the consequences of climate change and especially solutions for our changes on the agenda of governments, engineering firms, housing associations, developers, private individuals, spatial designers and among the students. The aim is to share knowledge that can be applied in the spatial planning process and to share this knowledge. This has resulted in three design studies: 1. Brainport Industry Campus, 2. Residential area 't Ven and 3. International Knoop XL. And in-depth research, symposia and publications.

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The Embassy of Water

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The Embassy of Water

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