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Living and working from home

(Archive) Tidal Space

A collaboration between Hyunjung Kim and Cream on Chrome.

This project was part of DDW 2021
Tidal Space - Working and Caring from Home — © @Cream on Chrome

During the pandemic-induced lockdowns it has become clear that both care work and wage work are inseparable in the context of the home office – as many were forced to juggle between various roles and expectations while caring and working from home.

Working and Caring from Home

Tidal Space is a design collaboration between Hyunjung Kim and studio Cream on Chrome that combines their common interest in phygital interfaces along with Hyunjung’s experience as a working parent.

Putting the manifold needs of caring home workers front and centre, Tidal Space experiments with curtains as spatial moderators that mediate between different modes of labour. Triggered by screen activity, the curtains fluidly adjust themselves to various situations from soundproof separation for focused work, to more translucent and flexibly open soft facades (allowing to check on the children), over to interactive elements for kids and parents to play with.

Hyunjung Kim

is a designer, educator, and mother of two daughters. She is currently an adjunct professor at the industrial design department at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). She also works as a design team lead at Lucentblock, a blockchain start-up. Her design and research interests exist at the intersection of design, science, and technology, focusing on new design materials and interactive experiences.

Cream on Chrome

consists of Jonas Althaus and Martina Huynh. Working between research, social and experience design, they seek to make socio-political questions intuitive and fun to explore. By designing multimedia experiences and interactive spaces they offer new perspectives in the fields of economy, journalism, ecology and emerging technologies. Cream on Chrome works with academic and cultural institutions and was selected for the STRP Award for Creative Technology in 2021.

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Living and working from home