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Pensioen tastbaar maken

(Archive) Pensioen tastbaar maken

This project was part of DDW 2021
Sofie van Greevenbroek

Retirement is like water from the tap. It's just there. For most people, retirement is something they only consciously consider at the end of their career.

In this social design project we focus on the question: "How can we make pension tangible from the individual experience of people?"

The problem

Everyone wants to grow old, but nobody wants to be old. People postpone the conversation about later. Because a conversation about the future always feels too early, until it's too late.

Activation around retirement is a challenge with a lack of urgency and perspective for action. Long-term perspective and estimating effects is psychologically very difficult for people. The challenge lies in making pensions more tangible and tangible and in linking the actions of the present to the needs of the future.

We will tackle this problem together with problem owners ABP, APG, ASR, AZL, BeFrank, MinSZW, NN, Novum, Pensioenfederatie, PFZW, PGB Pension Funds, SVB and the creative consortium of Muzus, Motivaction and Think +DO.

The project

In this social design project we focus on the question: "How can we make pension tangible from the individual experience of people?" A social challenge that we as the Netherlands face.

This issue belongs to everyone. To answer this question, the pension sector must also think differently and collaborate differently. With a consortium of problem owners and a consortium of creative parties, we work holistically on this complex issue, based on the perspective of the Dutch citizen.

The approach

We travelled through the Netherlands this summer and had conversations with Dutch people about their future and the role of pensions in this. What does pension mean for the Dutch and how do we make this tangible? We will end journey of the research at the DDW so that people can also experience the future and have a conversation about their future.

In addition, at the DDW, we will co-create a joint future vision with all problem owners on making pensions tangible from the perspective of the Dutch.

Sofie van Greevenbroek

Sofie van Greevenbroek

Sofie van Greevenbroek