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The Embassy of Rethinking Plastic

(Archive) Assignment five young designers

Rethinking Plastic challenge

This project was part of DDW 2021

Together with Stokroos Foundation assignments have been developed for five young designers of the Yksi Expo Young Talent team, to take them a step further in their development and career. Participating designers are Soowon Chae, Shahar Livne, Iris Bekkers, Yoon Seok-hyeon and Polina Baikina.

Another view on plastic

Rehinking Plastic stands for a 'different view on plastic'. Because yes, we now realize the urgency of
plastic as an environmental problem, but at the same time it is a very useful material and a world
without plastic is hard to imagine. So we have to think differently about plastic as a material and deal
with it differently. Designers play a crucial role in this. They devise and develop alternatives and can
design in such a way that products last longer and the materials are easier to separate and therefore
easier to recycle. And when reused or recycled, they can turn it into useful and beautiful new
products. With extra (emotional) value, so that users deal with plastic differently. We call that
Rethinking Plastic consists of a main exhibition that is constantly being renewed, with changing side
exhibitions and presentations. Students from various design courses have also been working on the
theme of plastic and various exhibitions and presentations have been created around this theme in
the Netherlands and abroad.

Rethinking Plastic challenge

Young designers are increasingly interested in sustainability and circularity. But many of them
struggle to further develop and market their innovative ideas, concepts and products. It is especially
difficult to find entrances to companies. In addition, they are looking for expertise and up-to-date
knowledge about sustainable and circular innovation.
Leonne Cuppen (Yksi Connect) has selected five young designers from the Yksi Expo Young Talent
Team to deepen their work, based on the research they started during their studies. They received
coaching and were brought into contact with relevant manufacturers, knowledge institutions and
experts. The Stokroos Foundation has provided a subsidy for this project.

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The Embassy of Rethinking Plastic

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The Embassy of Rethinking Plastic