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Art Tech Fun Robots eGirls Manifestations

(Archive) Dwaalhaas Art & Art Foundation

Art & Design, Recycling, Living Museum, Upcycling and mutch more, see : more info ? ..just Google / Youtube the name "Dwaalhaas"

This project was part of DDW 2021
Over 5000 Dwaal-Art paitings made last 35 years — ©

Dwaalhaas non-profit Art Foundation :

The Living Museum is an open studio, art gallery and meeting space, a place where you can be yourself and not be judged. A place where you can inspire others or yourself.

we also have a thrift store, we use for redesign & upcycle household items etc.

unsubsidized, non-profit, social design - "Het Leefmuseum"

the foundation with the Chamber of Commerce number 69071004 was founded on August 12, 2017 by the Eindhoven artist Dwaalhaas to dedicate himself unsubsidised and non-profit for and through "the (life) art", with the collection and recycling of paint (remnants) hobby / craft materials, tools, flea market stuff, donations and gifts (prosperity leftovers) and cooperation with other foundations, companies, associations etc. it wants to make the "art" accessible and affordable for everyone.

The Life Museum
is an unsubsidized and non-profit Outsider Art Program
It is an open studio, art gallery and meeting space, a place where you can be yourself and not be judged. A place where you can inspire others or let yourself be inspired

is the small unsubsidized, non-profit "thrift shop" (garage sale) of our Foundation
the things we receive can go for a voluntary contribution to the tip jar, because we are not commercial and therefore have no profit motive, the income (and sometimes also the things) from our cycle benefit Het Leefmuseum ...

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always welcome : Edisonstraat 39 5621HK Eindhoven — ©

(some) famous Artworks in "Dwaalhaas Style"

Geef ons heden ons dagelijks Brood :-) — © everything is paintable..

some Dwaal-Art re-Design-ed Thrift store clocks

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