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(Archive) The Greater Number Sessions #1: 1968 revisited

This project was part of DDW 2021

Inspired by the first Greater Number Session takes a look at the origin of the concept The Greater Number and how this theme was translated in the Milan design triennale 1968, curated by Giancarlo de Carlo.

Greater Number Session

The first Greater Number Session takes a look at the origin of the concept The Greater Number and how this theme was translated in the Milan design triennale 1968, curated by Giancarlo de Carlo. How was the theme received at that time and what was the focus then? How did the theme develop over the decades after that and how is the theme of The Greater Number interpreted today? How do you translate the ideas of the past into the present day biennale presentation? What is left of the ideas from back then and how is that translated to the present? Speakers will be Paola Niccolin - Head of Publications and Department of Education - Palazzo Grassi Venice, Italy, who published her PhD on the 1968 Triennale in conversation with Jorn Konijn (Head of Program DDW)