Plastic is considered a cheap material, which is why we easily throw it away. With all its consequences. High time to look at plastic differently and deal with it differently. There is plenty of movement around this often-maligned material, both among designers, knowledge institutes and companies.
Dealing with plastic differently
From naturally dyed biotextiles to a 3D-printed stool made from a mixture of raw materials from drinking water production and sewage treatment. And from acoustic panels to research into materials that allow people to live in balance with nature again, resulting in packaging material based on algae. Rethinking Plastic in a surprising and stimulating way Yksi Expo shows how we can look at plastic differently and deal with this world's most maligned material in a different way. The urgency of plastic as an environmental problem is clear, but at the same time we can hardly imagine a world without plastic. See the applications in the medical field, in the field of electricity, in cars and planes and in household appliances. So we have to start thinking differently about plastic as a material and dealing with it differently. Designers can help with that. With alternatives from renewable materials, or by such designs that plastic products last longer and can be separated better and therefore are easier to recycle. They can also think of ways to reuse plastic. And they can create plastic products with (emotional) value, which creates a different experience.