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(Archive) Design Reseach & Innovation Festival DRIVE 2022

This project was part of DDW 2022

Since 2014, the Design Research & Innovation Festival has have been putting innovative projects -with results- at the interface of knowledge and innovation in the spotlight. This year, DRIVE will focus on a couple of themes where we see great opportunities for the creative sector.


Monday 24/10: how can creatives contribute to Social Innovations?
Tuesday 25/10: design for Public Spaces, while thinking about (mental) wellbeing.
Wednesday 26/10: about Circular Design and its impact on business models.
Thursday 27/10: exploring the possible impact of Immersive Content, both digital and non-digital.
Friday 28/10: the possibilities of and with Experimental Environments.


DRIVE starts daily at 10 AM and ends at 2 PM. This includes a (private) work session. The live talk show is a public event and starts everyday at 10:30 AM. The talk show can be watched by livestream, or you can join us in Eindhoven.

Sign up for the livestream here:

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