Brightly colored transparent objects, in which light is captured, are reduced to elementary shapes such as cubes, pyramids, prisms, etc.
Colors stacked, juxtaposed as in a pointillist painting.
The architecture of light and color by artist Coen Kaayk.
Each piece of the Bouwplaats 2.0 is treated with equal intensity to explore the optical relationships between form, color and light.
It is an almost naïve display of building blocks slid into and alongside each other with pleasure and ease, allowing for ever-changing image associations with surprising, spatial similarities and contrasts. At times it resembles a futuristic city, at other times a purely playful installation. Stacking, constructing and connecting, these are the other striking elements in this work as can be found on a smaller scale in much of his autonomous art. The style may seem constructivist, but that is in fact only a name for the chosen structure and construction.
The work can be seen as a continuous search for the relationship between transparent materials, form, color and light.
It is an urban landscape, reminiscent of modernist architecture. Acrylic and polyester resin was used to create an imaginative city of light and color. The concept is that in principle everyone can participate in building. The Bouwplaats 2.0 brings together almost everything that intrigued Coen Kaayk as an artist.