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(Archive) 1m2 Collective

The smallest expo with the biggest impact

This project was part of DDW 2022
1m2 Collective expo DDW 2021, van Abbemuseum — © Roza Schous

Are you ready to showcase your work to a large (inter)national audience and did you not have this chance before? Do you want to help make a statement about how design festivals can be more inclusive? Shall we connect and share a collective story?

How inclusive can 1m2 be at a design festival?

1m2 Collective is an interdisciplinary design platform that strives for a more diverse and inclusive design industry. Their main focus is to explore how design festivals can provide space for new talent in an inclusive way. With a critical yet positive attitude their goal is to facilitate conversation and actively look for solutions.

In just 1m2 of ground space the aim is to exhibit as many designers as possible that are yet to have exhibited their work at a large design festival. After the success of their 2021 exhibition, the ambition is to give a paid (crowdfunding reliant) opportunity to new talent to exhibit their work, as well as continuing the conversation about the inclusivity of the design industry.