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(Archive) Sticky Stedenbouw Spektakel

Architecture for kids

This project was part of DDW 2022

During the Dutch Design Week, children build a small city together. What will the buildings of this city look like? What shapes, colors and textures are used? And what happens in the public space, the space between the buildings?

Ontdekkers van vormen

Ten cardboard boxes in different shapes form the basis for the buildings. For example, children can get started with a cube, pyramid, trapezium, or an archetypal house. They are provided with an adhesive film, so that they can be easily covered and stacked. In this way we create a super colorful city with various colors and textures.

The spatial boxes are part of our teaching material for the lower classes of primary education, named "Ontdekkers van vormen", but we will use them during our DDW architecture workshop this year.

Join us!

Come by and help build this ever-growing building. Design the facades of a building block, cut it, stick stickers and dip it in colored sand. And add your design to the whole.

Suitable for children from 5 to 100 years.