Global themes such as the tight labor market, asylum policy and exclusion of people. If everybody should be able to keep a job, then we have to learn to look at each other. Look close. Who are you? What motives do you carry with you? What is your added value? This project will confront and inspire.
The 9 people
Go back to START. Back to the essence where your starting point is actually a question. As our visitor you will be introduced to 9 people; portraits of 9 persons, and you will not know what their position is in the labor process. You will look at them, you will observe their portraits, you will hear their story. How do they make you feel? Will you judge them? Will you listen to them? Will you hear what they have to tell you?
Linking the people
We will take you on a journey in sound and vision. You will look at and hear our view on these stories and the link between them. We invite you to listen from intrinsic motivation, watch and aim for the connection. Will you make the connection, manifest yourself as the missing link? You will be invited to think this over, with your mind and your soul. And from those insights you will be challenged to re-think your definition of who you want to be in the job market. And how you can empower the link and the connection to the employee and the employer, how you can contribute.
The Experience
What happens now? What is your approach here, how will you look at this project and what questions will you ask? What will be needed? What will connect us? Will you walk away from this experience inspired by our vision, and will you walk away with new insights and re-defined opinions? Do you feel accountable? Will you make a change? Are we, society, able to create new social norms, and therefore re-define the way we currently organized recruitment? In other words, change from task oriented to people oriented? Please come find us, you are welcome for a conversation. We look forward to meeting you.