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(Archive) Spaces for Well Being

enhancing moods by sensory spaces

This project was part of DDW 2022
A+N - Spaces for Well Being — © Ronald Smits

With Spaces for Well being we develop research-based spaces that contribute to individual health and happiness. Based on various spatial elements, materials and installations we create sensory experiences that enhance and positively influence your mood

Influencing state of mind by using spaces and senses

As well being has become an ever-expanding concern for today’s society, the collective Spaces for Well-being’s aim is to develop interiors that are proven to contribute to individual health and happiness.

The Covid era has made it clear that the spaces we work and live in have a major impact on us. Who does not remember working from home with kids running around or missing the commotion in the office? Finding calmness during a nature walk or nowadays loving the crowdedness of city centre again, with all it’s things to see and hear. Covid has made our lives isolated and digital, making us aware of the amount of sensory stimuli around us, now that we’re getting out and about again.

With Spaces for Well being we believe the space around you needs to match your state of mind. Spaces that can be used to feel and experience which mood you’re in or which one you need. We believe that the senses play a main part in how we feel and are key to how we experience our environment. Inspired by nature we want to create spaces in their entirety, using materials, installations and sensory elements. Stimulating the senses in an optimal and unconscious manner to enhance a specific mood.

A+N - Spaces for Well Being — © Ronald Smits

Sensorial Experience Studio Kontou & Marthe Biezen — © Today's Brew

Sensorial Experience Studio Kontou & Marthe Biezen