The project is about a disastrous future that is coming if we don't change course. In the diorama you can see 4 ancient stories: the Flood, the Ages of the World, the Tower of Babel & the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. I have casted these stories into a dystopian future.
An investigation into Nature
I wanted to dedicate this project to nature because I am fascinated by the world around us. During my research I found out that the habitat of many birds is disappearing. I was shocked by the stories some ecologists could tell me. While I first wanted to create something functional to help the birds, I then decided to design something to wake us up so that we might see our destructive behavior.
Collision Course
Because I was focusing on those horrible facts, the problems were exaggerated in my head. That's what I want to show you. I chose 4 ecological problems, magnified them and created a world with them.
Lost Wisdom
During the creation of Terra Dolo, which means 'Land of Deceit', I saw similarities with Biblical stories. I was not raised a Christian and I knew these stories only a little. As I delved into it, I saw valuable lessons hidden in these ancient stories. I decided to use the stories in my own project.