Objects made from plastic waste in the hope of raising awareness about the matter and speculating on how plastic materials blur the boundary between the natural and the artificial, acting as the binder of new types of conglomerates.
How can we craft plastic in the Anthropocene?
Since 1950, humans have produced about 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic, and at least 90 percent is still in existence. It has leaked into the natural environment on a huge scale, and yet we continue to
produce it at an ever-increasing rate. Plastic materials have become an intrinsic part of our ecology
and environment. Over geological time, they may be subjected to the same heat and pressure that
form rocks and minerals. Future geologists may identify the remains of plastic bottles as fossils even if the plastic itself has degraded or been replaced by other materials.
I wonder what future civilisations are going to understand from ours when they dig through the
plastic layers of Earth?
I imagined these objects made from plastic waste in the hope of raising awareness about the matter
and speculating on how plastic materials blur the boundary between the natural and the artificial,
acting as the binder of new types of conglomerates.