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United Matters

(Archive) काई | KAAI

This project was part of DDW 2022
काई | KAAI — © Mael Henaff

A carbon-negative alternative to traditional Indian block printing.

About काई | KAAI

Born and raised in Jaipur, a city known for its rich textile heritage, I have always had a deep appreciation of traditional Indian block-printed textiles, yet I have equally witnessed first-hand the devastating effects that this industry has had on the nearby rivers, air quality and land. This project explores how this craft could become not just more sustainable, but actually carbon negative.

Microalgae are microorganisms that perform photosynthesis: they absorb carbon dioxide and convert it to oxygen. They purify wastewater and have the ability to absorb the heavy metals commonly found in the synthetic dyes used in textile production. Spirulina is one such cyanobacteria and is commonly found in Jaipur, the city most associated with this craft. Block printing plays a major role in its community, supporting thousands of skilled craftspeople.

In this project, I have been exploring how microalgae, a prolific, cheap and carbon-absorbing superpower, could replace synthetic dyes and produce textiles that are not just true to the heritage and traditions of Jaipur but could equally remediate the land and water and capture more carbon in the process of harvesting it than it emits.

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