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(Archive) Elemental Cooking

A layered cooking system that makes use of different levels of heat from one central fire. Drawing inspiration from elemental methods of cooking.

This project was part of DDW 2022

The idea is to use one source of heat at the base of the structure and from there; different items of food will be cooked each with
their own unique required temperature. ‘Elemental Cooking’ will combine design, sculpture and food and in doing so offer a new culinary experience.

Cooking with fire

How we cook has drastically changed over generations, from
cooking meat over an open flame to Thermomixers that make
full meals with the pressing of one button.

Our fascination started with the first primitive methods of cooking; fermenting and smoking.

These methods had great respect for the ingredients and this
is something we would like to replicate. We aim to reconnect
visitors with the food they are eating and for them to see and
understand the process behind the ingredients are cooked.