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(Archive) Gunya _ Mycelium & Hemp mats

This project was part of DDW 2022
Fungal fruiting bodies on a non-woven hemp map — © Dasha Tsapenko

Industrial hemp serves as nutrition for various fungi species. Mycelium serves as a binder for short hemp fibres, that remain from traditional hemp processing, creating strong textiles. By upcycling leftover hemp parts and collaborating with mycelium, an ethical fashion narrative is suggested.

01: Gunya_Felted hemp mycelium bounded

Concept: Dasha Tsapenko *
Material: European non-woven hemp, polypore mycelium
Production: Dasha Tsapenko, Marjo van Schaik

02: Gunya_Felted hemp mushroom fruiting bodies

Concept: Dasha Tsapenko *
Material: European non-woven hemp, mycelium (S.Commune)
Production: Dasha Tsapenko, Marjo van Schaik

*in collaboration with Han Wosten and Utrecht University

Dasha Tsapenko uses techniques and methods developed together with Prof. Dr. Han Wösten. Industrial hemp serves as food for various fungal species. Mycelium serves as a binding agent for short hemp fibres left over after hemp processing, thus creating strong textile pieces. Upcycling leftover hemp and teaming it with mycelium creates an aesthetic and natural material with a variety of applications. The living material invites us to explore the Gunya’s with all senses, not only by vision but also by scent and touch. Because of the fungal species involved, each grown piece is different and unique. Three mycelium gunyas will be on show – grown from three various polypore fungi native to the Netherlands, each reflecting on a specific weaving method of Ukrainian shepherd coats.

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