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(Archive) The Art of Energy

The Art of Energy is an ongoing artistic research project into building my own DIY energy infrastructure.

This project was part of DDW 2022
DIY refinery prototype on fire — © Gijs Schalkx

The Art of Energy is an ongoing research project into DIY energy alternatives. How to become independent from the big infrastructure that sustains and designs our daily lives?

It all started with UITSLOOT, a quest on keeping the combustion engine alive (2021). Since then, I have been exploring many different possibilities and am currently trying to build my own DIY powerplant which will supply my workshop and me with the energy needed to sustain my daily life. Harvesting methane from ponds & ditches, building an ''electrical'' combustion engine running on hydrogen, storing my own CO2 emissions and refining plastic back to crude oil. It celebrates the power of DIY, while providing a new and more direct understanding of how desire, effort, reward and its impact balances out.

Hydrogen Generator — © Gijs Schalkx

CO2 storage — © Gijs Schalkx

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