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International School Eindhoven Prototypes exhibition

(Archive) 2-in-1 Shirt

A shirt that can have both long sleeves and short sleeves!

This project was part of DDW 2022

I am concerned about how humans treat the environment, particularly in fast fashion. So I decided to design a shirt with removable sleeves, and different sets of sleeves to be attached to it, so it could be multiple shirt types in one. I hope such products could help people reduce fashion waste.

What is the problem?

Many people buy a lot of fast fashion clothing, especially as temperatures change. However, fast fashion clothing is very bad for the environment, so this product aims to reduce the amount of clothing people need, which will hopefully reduce the amount of clothing people buy.

What is the product?

The product is a shirtless T-shirt with different sets of sleeves that can be attached to it. This can be either long or short sleeves, depending on the weather. The shirt itself and the sleeves will be made available in different styles and sizes, to suit as many clothing styles as possible. There are also two different methods of attaching the sleeves to the shirt: metal rings and a string, so the users have different options depending on their style.

Andere deelnemers

International School Eindhoven Prototypes exhibition

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Andere deelnemers

International School Eindhoven Prototypes exhibition