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Design Intelligence Award

(Archive) DÖT

Braille Learning System

This project was part of DDW 2022
27 Braille objects

Language system inspired by the Braille alphabet made up of interactive, organic and sensory objects whose main function is to raise awareness, approach and make present in our society the importance of learning the Braille language. communicate, relate and interact

Social Transformation

The object has given them a new social perspective, a new approach to their environment and the way they communicate.
Blind people can use this medium to be able to teach the Braille alphabet to people with potential to lose their vision. Since a playful and interactive approach. therapeutic object.

Function of DÖT

Objectify the Braille alphabet from a new formal perspective, rich in textures, interactive and modular.
That users can interact with Braille objects and that through them they can communicate and interact with blind people.

Therapeutic object that allows to teach others the Braille language.
That the objects can relate to each other when they are put together, creating words.
That people can learn the Braille alphabet through organic and ergonomic objects of the Braille alphabet.

Interactive objects live in a playful context where people can learn by playing about the importance of the Braille language. That the blind community can have new alternatives to the traditional Braille alphabet.

Use of DÖT

DÖT it is a system of objects that is read with the fingers of both hands, mainly with the
index fingers, just like the Braille language. These move along the line from left to right
recognizing the different points of each object.
The storage of the information is carried out in the reading of the objects by the tactile
aspects referring to Braille. These are indeed for the reader geometric shapes with verbal meaning.

DÖT it is also created to generate words through the union of these, thanks to the system of embedded magnets inside each piece. The magnets are also a key guide for the correct positioning of the piece through the specific positioning of the poles, their approach or rejection between the pieces will indicate you.

Letter "O"

Identifying relief


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Design Intelligence Award

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