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(Archive) Conscious Confetti

No waste, wél feest!

This project was part of DDW 2023
Rescued wafer paper — © Rafael Bergman

Candy Converters gives discarded wafer paper a circular life in order to minimize the use of virgin materials and maximize the reuse of materials. The paper is turned into biodegradable confetti. This conscious confetti prevents plastic pollution and food waste.

Plastic Pollution

Every year we burden the earth with about 300 million tons of plastic waste, including plastic confetti. Plastic never decays but crumbles into smaller pieces, until they are no longer visible to the naked eye. Worldwide, between 5 and 13 million tons of plastic enter the big oceans every year. Everyone knows the concept of plastic soup, but our fields are 4 to 23 times more polluted than the oceans. Research has shown that microplastics are absorbed via the root system of plants in various fruits and vegetables, and thus end up on our plates. More and more scientists are concerned about the consequences for human health. Because each of us ingests micro- and nanoplastics through the food chain, drinking water, absorption through the skin and inhalation.

Food Waste

Food is too precious to waste. Yet a large part of our food still ends up in the bin – at home and in the production chain. Did you know, for example, that we throw away about 1.3 billion tons of food worldwide every year? That's enough to feed three billion people. In other words: ten times the population of the United States! Throwing away food happens every day. A waste of food and money, of course, but the waste is much greater than that. Because producing, packaging and transporting has a major impact. For example, a kilogram of beef requires 15,000 liters of water. So when you throw out minced meat, you also throw away that water. And don't forget the plastic packaging and the CO2 emissions during transport. So if we're going to throw with things...It might as well be confetti!

Let's get waste(d)!

Residue flows from the foodindustry that are no longer suitable for consumption can be used for other purposes, so that they are not destroyed pointlessly.
Ánd being able to make a party festive without having to worry about the plastic remains.
It's possible! With Candy Converters confetti you can make a party with waste without waste. Enter the Plastic Party and let's get wasted!

Shredded wafer paper — © Rafael Bergman

Wafer paper confetti — © Rafael Bergman

Blown away confetti — © Rafael Bergman

Watersoluble confetti — © Rafael Bergman