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(Archive) Innovationlabs

Impulse for new resilience in the cultural and creative sector

This project was part of DDW 2023

The Innovationlabs programme encourages the cultural and creative sector to develop applicable knowledge and new working methods to help this sector to be more agile and resilient in the longer term.

About Innovationlabs

Creative Industries Fund NL and CLICKNL issued the Open Call for Innovatielabs twice, in 2021 and 2022. This call was open to innovative and experimental projects to tackle current challenges in the cultural and creative sector and to increase the sector's resilience. Many makers, cultural institutions and other creative parties responded. Sixteen projects have been selected in the first edition and seventeen projects in the second edition. Together, the 33 initiatives represent more than 200 parties from diverse cultural and creative disciplines.

The exhibition

During DDW 2023 we celebrate and present the results of the first edition of Innovationlabs. In the exhibition, which takes the form of a living archive, these sixteen collaborations present their projects and and reflect on the process they went through. In addition, the affiliated research groups explore five overarching themes.

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