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(Archive) DesignUnited.Dialogues

5 Days, 5 Design Research themes: Politics of Design, Climate Futures Now, More than Human, Distentangling AI, Design & Society, Making Matters

This project was part of DDW 2023
Dialogues by 4TU.Design United

Deep dive into contemporary and intriguing design research themes guided by inspiring 4TU design researchers!


We welcome design students and researchers to join our daily dialogues!
Read more about our programme and register via the link:

Monday, October 23 (14:00-17:00) Politics of Design
How do designers contribute to change at the complex intersections of social
structures, cultural differences, biases, stereotypes, and power differences?

Tuesday, October 24 (14:30-17:00) Climate Futures Now
Design is a future-oriented practice. How to envision possible futures on a troubled planet, speculate about practices of tomorrow, and call to action?

Wednesday, October 25 (13:15 -17:00) More than Human
How can we create value for future habitats that are natural for the ‘life’ and
growth of humans and nonhumans?

Thursday, October 26 (14:00-17:00) Disentangling AI, Design & Society
How to deal with sociotechnical complexity and shaping change?

Friday, October 27 (11:00-14:00) Making Matters
With critical debates on the future directions of making in full swing, How do
crafters of advanced enabling technologies make the new everyday a reality?