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Punt-C Industriële DDW hotspot op Sectie-C

Punt-C 🟡 is dedicated to educational innovation. Cibap, Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam, HMC, Mediacollege, Nimeto & SintLucas. United to educate the professionals of the future, with a focus on ♻️ "Creating a better world". The Academy UMPRUM Prague, Pforzheimer University present themselves, and Stichting Yuverta demonstrates the impact 💚 of greening on areas like Sectie-C. Enjoy a drink 🍷&☕ & Toasties 🥪 on the Punt-C terrace ☀️ until 6.30 pm! CU

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Punt-C Industriële DDW hotspot op Sectie-C