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Fontys Academy of the Arts - ArtCoDe

Talent-Oriented Fontys

Fontys isn't here for Fontys. Fontys isn't here solely for students or staff, or for the industry. No, Fontys is here for society. As a public university of applied sciences, we have a significant societal mission: we nurture talent. The talent of students, first and foremost, but also the talent of our staff and of professionals in the region. Anyone with the right educational background who wants to develop their talent at Fontys is welcome.

Art, Communication and Design

TheArt, Communication and Design program encourages the individual development of each designer. It starts with a broad foundation in various design areas, including graphic design, photography, film and animation, spatial design, woodworking and metalworking. This establishes a solid knowledge base of different design tools and techniques. From these foundations, students are given the freedom to develop their own visual style, explore concepts and create accessible experiences. They learn to navigate the entire design process from start to finish, often in relation to contemporary issues.