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Dialogues of the Unheard

(Archive) The Popping Sound of Bubble Wrap

An exploration of our love/hate relationship with plastics

This project was part of DDW 2023

Ilaria Cavaglià explores the potential of discarded bubble wrap as a molding material for casting ambiguous objects that straddle the line between organic and synthetic.

Art, Consumption, and Conscience

Diverging from the projects that search outwardly, in "The Popping Sound of Bubble Wrap,” Ilaria Cavaglià offers an introspective reflection on the complex relationship between the artist, the medium, and the artwork. This project explores the dilemma between an artist’s fascination with material culture and the conscience concerning the impact of material consumption on everything else.

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Dialogues of the Unheard

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Andere deelnemers

Dialogues of the Unheard