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The Symbiocene Forest - Down to Earth

(Archive) Possession to Nature

This project was part of DDW 2023

This project has been started from questions about a territorial dispute over "the island".

What does it mean to possess? We try to own nature and fight over it through money, borders, boundaries, and maps in the language we have defined. But from nature's perspective, such language does not exist.

Meaning of ...

The questions invite us into a space for exploring the meaning and time of our behavior towards nature today.

In a space filled with salt representing the earth as a landscape, the audience is invited to touch it with their bodies and hands, creating their own spaces and boundaries. On the last day of the exhibition, a performance of pouring water and washing away our traces raises questions about the meaning of our behaviors.

This question from one island extends to all the territorial conflicts that are happening around the world today. Also, it asks us to reflect on our current state of communication with nature and how we need to be in a symbiotic relationship with it in the future.

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The Symbiocene Forest - Down to Earth

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The Symbiocene Forest - Down to Earth