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The Symbiocene Forest - Down to Earth

(Archive) Prototype exhibition

This project was part of DDW 2023

The Diploma students are enrolled in the International Baccalaureate curriculum, where they develop a full-size, working prototype solution to problems of their choosing. This exhibition serves as an opportunity for audience to engage with creative solutions for a variety of problems/opportunities.


The Diploma students of the International School Eindhoven are enrolled in the IB curriculum (International Baccalaureate). As part of their Design course, students need to develop a full-size, working prototype that is developed to solve a researched problem of their own choosing.

Each student has researched the context and background of their chosen problem/opportunity, to develop a feasible solution based on identified requirements and specifications. Where possible, students aim to apply sustainable approaches to design, like Datschefski’s principles, Design for Environment, -Disassembly and/or -Manufacture, Prevention and Precaution principle and the UN Environment Programme. That way they show awareness of the potential impact of design, and aim for a positive footprint, especially when they theoretically project the upscaled versions of their prototypes.

This exhibition serves as an opportunity for audience to engage with creative solutions for a variety of problems/opportunities, while students will be able to gather valuable feedback from user tests and interaction (often provided by QR).

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The Symbiocene Forest - Down to Earth

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The Symbiocene Forest - Down to Earth