An interactive installation with a digital knitting machine (Kniterate), where secret messages appear and disappear as the fabric unravels. It reintroduces the old craft of “frogging,” where yarn is reclaimed from clothing, and questions the impact of fast fashion.
Research demonstrator
Imagine fabric coming to life with secret messages, intricately woven by an algorithm- controlled digital knitting machine. Yet, as soon as the message is complete, the fabric unravels back into yarn— an infinite loop, like Penelope’s weaving, defying linear time.
In this exhibit, yarn isn’t just material; it’s memory. We revisit the power of digital knitting with the forgotten pracice of “frogging” - recuperating yarn from garments. This was once a common technique, but has fallen into disuse due to the seemingly endless production in a global economy. How do we put an end to the clothing (dis)order?
Co-funded by the Horizon project