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Embassy of Rethinking Plastic

(Archive) TORWASH of Plastics

TORWASH technology enabling the true recycling of bio-degradable plastics

This project was part of DDW 2020
Separated components after TORWASH

TORWASH® selectively removes PLA from objects, composites and mixed waste streams. It converts the polymer back its original components (lactic acid) while other materials are unaffected. The monomers can be used to make new virgin plastics.

TORWASH® is a development of TNO.

TORWASH® dissolves bio-degradable plastics like PLA in water by means of depolymerization. PLA becomes a lactic acid solution, while other plastics remain unaffected or they melt and solidify. Paper becomes pulp; metal does nothing. Lactic acid is simply

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Schematic of Designed-for-TORWASH

Schematic of TORWASH at Festivals

Toy before (right) and after TORWASH (tube, left)

Separated materials from festival waste

Andere deelnemers

Embassy of Rethinking Plastic

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Embassy of Rethinking Plastic