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(Archive) Body+Design - Seasoning Special

Design & Performance Co-Creations

This project was part of DDW 2021
Body + Design / United Cowboys — © Maarten van der Put

For the 2021 edition of the Dutch Design Week, United Cowboys (a performance company based in Eindhoven) investigates a new process-orientated collaboration between designers and performers.

Body+Design - Seasoning Special

In times of change, uncertainty, and limitation we as a creative collective of designers and performers feel strong about fuelling untraditional cross-disciplinary processes in order to enhance resilience in the arts and in design.
Learning from each other’s specific approaches and finding new sustainable starting points in co-creation is key to more holistic and synergetic methodologies in our world.

Synergy represents an important intrinsic value of all our works. The concept of overspecialization contributing as a major factor to the issues of mankind is not a new one. The ability to apply comprehensive creation methods in all sectors (social, economic, cultural, political…) is key to collectively shaping a better world around us.
Participants: Verena Pöschl (Communication/Concept Designer, AT), Lukas Fuchs (Product Designer, AT/NL), Vitoria Aquino (Performer, BR/NL), Lucas Devroe (Choreographer, Performer, BE/NL), with performer Jentel Schiettekatte.

Verena Poeschl will host the workshop “Design for Evolution” on two afternoons to pre-registered participants. This workshop gives insights into design methods for a circular economy - from linear to circular.

Registration for the design workshop is CLOSED.

The workshop offers an introduction to a new design era.
Design is the key to one of the most important principles of the circular economy: "Avoiding waste and pollution". As before, however, most things are developed according to a linear “take-make-waste” model. This means that in order to implement a circular economy, practically everything around us has to be rethought and redesigned - in other words, designed.
There is no one right way to develop products and services that generate neither waste nor pollution, or business models that extend the life cycle of products over decades. The concept of the circular economy provides the breeding ground for a wide variety of inno approaches - the most important strategies are dealt with in this workshop.

This is what the participants can expect:
The workshop enables a first immersion in the topic of circular design. After a theoretical introduction, with excursions into the areas of human centered design and consideration of the cradle-to-cradle principle, a closer look at the six most promising circular design strategies follows.
The second, interactive part introduces the participants to the topic of circular design.

Goals of the workshop

Goals of the workshop:

In this workshop, possibilities are shown to respond more innovatively and purposefully to the needs of the target groups in the context of a product or service development process. A close look at functional and emotional demands and the application of the most important circular design strategies will lead the participants to future-oriented ideas that have a positive influence on our society.

The participants can take this with them:
- an insight into the principles of the circular economy
- an understanding of the social, economic and environmental benefits of the model
- getting to know the circular design process
- the selection and application of the appropriate circular design strategy for the respective design challenge
a new awareness of the potential for change and redesign possibilities
target group
- This workshop is a suitable introduction to the topic