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The Embassy of Inclusive Society

(Archive) Warm Welkom

What role do we as Dutch citizens and society as a whole play in welcoming newcomers in the Netherlands?

This project was part of DDW 2021
Warm Welkom - warm bad of koude douche? — © Muzus

Muzus, in collaboration with VluchtelingenWerk, will initiate a dialogue with DDW visitors about integration and explore opportunities for a hospitable society. What is the role of Dutch citizens in the integration process of newcomers? How do we make integration a reciprocal process?


The new Civic Integration Act will be put in effect on 1 January 2022, giving municipalities more control over the integration of newcomers. In pilots, municipalities are warming up to the desire to build an environment where new citizens can take major steps in their integration process. Unfortunately, until now, the main focus has been on the steps that the person themselves must take, while more and more studies are showing that not just civic integration, but assimilation as a whole is a reciprocal process. This process will only succeed if the receiving society is also involved and engaged. What is the role of the Dutchman in this reciprocal process? What can the Dutch do themselves to support and welcome the person integrating?

Join our consortium!

Muzus and Vluchtelingenwerk are building a consortium with which we can turn the Netherlands’ frown upside down, into a warm smile towards newcomers. Do you see opportunities within your neighbourhood, municipality or organization to think along and participate? Because integration is a process for, and by, all of us. Because integration is a process for, and by, all of us. With our consortium, we use design thinking tools to work towards solutions for an inclusive society. In co-creation with newcomers and welcomers. In co-creation with newcomers and welcomers.

Warm Welkom - warm bad? — © Muzus

Warm Welkom - koude douche? — © Muzus

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The Embassy of Inclusive Society

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