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The Embassy of Health

(Archive) Chronic Health Manifest

Principles to design for the future of healthcare and technology.

This project was part of DDW 2021
DreamTeamers from DesignLab built up the manifesto — © Juuke Schoorl

Chronic health means being able to live a good quality of life in a healthy environment, even with certain diseases. However, designing and developing person-centred eHealth interventions that meet the needs of users, without compromising those of future generations, remains a challenge.

Developing the manifesto

To contribute to the best possible health and happy living, supported by technology, several initiators have drawn up a manifesto with action points to design and apply person-driven, sustainable eHealth applications. The manifesto will be presented at the Embassy of Health exhibition in the Klokgebouw. Drop by and support the manifesto by signing it with your mobile phone!

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The Embassy of Health

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The Embassy of Health