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(Archive) ''A COLORFUL DREAM''

''a look at the workshop''

This project was part of DDW 2022
exhibition Milan 22

This project is a part of my earlier project ''A COLORFUL DREAM’’

In this project, I give a glimpse into to my makers process

In my opinion, having a place to create is an important part of the process. A place where you make it easier for yourself to express the things you want to communicate. a Space to retreat into and become absorbed in the world of your project.

What I have experienced in recent years is that when I settle somewhere. the place is always slowly or quickly taken over in a certain formal language, it radiates what I would like to experience. A setting is forming itself.

By adapting my surroundings, I am closer to the genes I create. Literally and Figuratively

Valentijn Joosten

Valentijn Joosten

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