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Canary in the Coal Mine: Design for Solidarity

Beyond Quantitative Data Collection in Environmental Governance

Canary in the Coal Mine — © Akshita Sivakumar

Can Design effectively mediate environmental governance and environmental justice? Drawing on ethnographic research on air pollution mitigation in California, this project suggests an approach to data collection that prioritizes solidarities with and accountability for marginalized communities.

Design for Solidarity

In the U.S., air pollution is managed through quantitative data from monitors and sensors, aiming for hyper-local data. Environmental justice communities, however, rely on experiential knowledge that often reveals more than sensor data. Unfortunately, their testimonies lack the legal and political standing to prompt significant changes from state agencies. Despite this, marginalized groups engage with state governance processes, navigating the double-bind between participation and refusal.

This project argues that design can mediate this dilemma. While governance agencies rely heavily on quantitative data for environmental justice, this project advocates for design to do more than measure. Drawing on ethnographic research in California on air pollution mitigation, it embraces the tension between quantitative and qualitative data. It proposes a practice of collection that fosters solidarity with marginalized communities, bridging the divide between forms of knowledge to drive transformative change. "Canary in the Coalmine" not only measures particulate matter (PM2.5) but also captures embodied knowledge through community observations via multisensorial critical design.

About CoSEP | University of California, Davis

The Collective for Socio-Spatial and Environmental Praxis (CoSEP) was founded in December 2023 by Dr. Akshita Sivakumar at the University of California, Davis. CoSEP conducts transdisciplinary, research-driven work focused on the spatial and political dimensions of design and governance in the built environment. Committed to praxis, CoSEP integrates critical theory & practice to explore how design, technology, governance, and social movements shape socio-spatial and environmental relationships.
Canary in the Coal Mine — © Akshita Sivakumar