In June 2023, I graduated from the Hout- en Meubileringscollege in Amsterdam. My graduation project was a collection of six chairs. They were made from damaged and unsellable materials. I made a conscious choice to use waste material and made different varieties in color, surface, shape or texture.
The basic design of my chair is simple, so I can make many variations. This can be done by transforming the shape, using color, or different treatments. The components are straight so they can easily be cut from pieces of residual wood.
Enzo Mari is a great inspiration for me in terms of design and conceptual thinking. If you study his book of furniture drawings and plans, you can make your own too. This makes his furniture accessible to many people. Of course, you must be a bit handy.
Besides the series of six chairs, I made a DIY variant. If you buy the chair, you receive the parts, the screws, and a manual to assemble it yourself. The DIY variant is cheaper than the completed chairs, this makes the chair accessible to more people. You can customize it yourself, to make your own unique stoel.